Jean Monnet Module SLEMBG (2021-2024)

Project description

“Sustainable Language Education and Media: Bridging the Gap Between EU-Ukraine” (SLEMBG) is a project that logically continues and develops the results of our 2017-2020 JM Module “European Union Language Policy” (587264-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Based on the collected feedback, and taking into account the need for political and educational reforms in Ukraine in the process of EU integration, we offer a larger-scale project. The module will introduce Ukrainian undergraduate and Ph.D. students to the standards and opportunities of sustainable education standards, with a special focus on language education. A separate summer school, adapted to the needs of the local media and civil society representatives, and local policy-makers will teach them to work with the open EU Englishlanguage resources, and introduce them to core European values and media/career literacy. The project will target three different groups: undergraduate students (faculties of Foreign Philology, Foreign Affairs, Pedagogy); a wide range of Ph.D. students (who can incorporate the received knowledge into their research and future academic career); representatives of media, civil society and local policy-makers who lack access to important EU resources in their everyday work (documents, webpages, e-tools).

In Ukraine, recent years have been marked by tremendous political and social changes. Being at the crossroads between East and West, Ukraine has finally chosen its way back to common European cultural and historical space. The change of the political regime in 2014 resulted in dozens of reforms in the economy, education, local management, and administration, etc. In February 2019 the Parliament of Ukraine passed a law amending the Constitution of Ukraine. Now its preamble has wording on the European identity of the Ukrainian people and defines the irreversibility of the European and EuroAtlantic course of Ukraine. As a result, much of modern Ukrainian cultural and educational discourse must be dedicated to various aspects of the European Union, European Integration, and European identity.

Project objectives

In the name of our project – “Sustainable Language Education and Media: Bridging the Gap Between EU-Ukraine”, we define its main objective – to bridge the existing gap between the Ukrainian and EU understanding of sustainability in education and media.

We believe that the introduction of undergraduate students, Ph.D. students, media and civil representatives, local policy-makers to core European values, finding similarities, and setting goals to adjust the educational standards to the EU level will help to narrow the existing gap.

Through the introduction of thought-provoking topics in Language Education, we want to foster the dialogue between the academic world and society, including local policy-makers, active civil society representatives, and representatives of the different levels of education and of the media. The offered SLEMBG course, together with a summer school for media and civil representatives and local policy-makers will generate more knowledge and insights in support of EU policy-making and strengthen the role of the EU within Ukraine, adjacent countries, and the world in general.

Project team
Біскуб Ірина

Prof. Iryna Biskub

Project Coordinator, Trainer / Teacher, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Full prof. at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Head of Applied Linguistics Department of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. Visiting Professor at Institute of Neophilology, the State School of Higher Education (Chelm, Poland). Lecturer at the Volyn Regional Administration Training Center for the Local Government Authorities and State Officials. Coordinator of the First Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Seminar on Cross-Religious Communication “Verbum Domini” (Lutsk, Ukraine).

Member of the International Scientific Board of the International Journal “Language – Culture – Politics” (Chelm, Poland). Member of the Baltic and Black Sea Circle Consortium (BBCC) (Institute of Sustainable Education, Daugavpils, Latvia).

Member of the Polish-Ukrainian Community for University Administrators “Innovative University and Leadership”

Trainer/Teacher of KA2. MILETUS project (74050-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), Coordinator of Jean Monnet Module “European Union Language Policy” (587264-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE).

Dr. Anna Danylchuk

Ph.D., associate professor of the Applied Linguistics Department, Lesya Ukrainka National University. Teaches courses in Political Linguistics, Communication Strategy of the European Union, Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting. 2015-2020 – Vice-Rector for European Integration (Lesya Ukrainka National University). Post-doc research (2020-present) in the field of EU Studies (English-language Globalization Discourse of the European Union).

  • Administrative Staff/Trainer/Teacher of KA2. MILETUS project (74050-EPP-1- 2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP),
  • Teaching Staff Member of Jean Monnet Module “European Union Language Policy” (587264-EPP-1- 2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). 2015-present Journalist and blogger for the daily Ukrainian newspaper “The Day” (part-time).
Анна Данильчук

Dr. Marta Sydoruk

PhD in Economic Science. Rector’s Office Specialist of the Lesya Ukranka National University. The author of 28 published scientific articles. Didactic competences: European Union, EU foreign relations with the Eastern Partnership countries, EU Project/Career Management. 7 years of experience in the management and implementation of EU projects. Scholar of the Lane Kirkland Scholarships Program (Poland). Scholar of the Visegrad Scholarships Program (Slovak Republic). Scholar of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO (Poland). Scholar of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Ukraine).

Administrative Staff/ Trainer/Teacher of KA2. MILETUS project (74050-EPP-1-2016-1- DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), Teaching Staff Member of Jean Monnet Module “European Union Language Policy” (587264-EPP-1-2017-1- UA-EPPJMO-MODULE), Teaching Staff Member of Jean Monnet Module “EU Project Management” (575124-EPP-1-2016-1- UAEPPJMO-MODULE)

Dr. Tomasz Zygmunt

2002 – current The State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Poland – Head of The Institute Of Neophilology Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics – Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland Networks and Memberships: Polish Society of Applied Linguistics Polish Neophilological Society Baltic and Black Sea Circle Consortium – Institute for Sustainable Education Editor-in-Chief of “Language – Culture – Politics: International Journal” (Chelm, Poland) Language editor for “Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education” (Daugavpils, Latvia).

  • Reviewer for “Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education” (Cracow, Poland) Please also see CV

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