The third year of teaching the course European Union Language Policy started on February 10, 2020. The course will be delivered to the 4th year undergraduate students within the framework of implementing Jean Monnet Module by the Applied Linguistics Department.
This year about 60 students singned up for the course.
The objective of the course is to introduce students to the EU language policy and planning, providing them them with the knowledge necessary for the cooperation and mutual understanding with the EU institutions.
General information about EU history, structure and demographics will broaden students’ vision of the EU and will contribute to better understanding of the EU communication strategy.
The EULP interdisciplinary course is thoroughly designed to provide students with interconnected theoretical and practical knowledge of the EU core institutions, their functions and structure; EU language and cultural diversity; EU language policy and planning; EU communication strategy. Competencies gained within the project will also enhance students` civic skills and develop intercultural dialogue.
The EULP project will help to foster research and teaching experience in the fields of European languages and culture related studies, which will be useful both, in the development of the introduced course and in the construction of other EU related academic projects and courses later in time.
Lectures, seminars, and round table dabates will be conducted by the project team:
IRYNA BISKUB (Project coordinator) – Full prof. at the LUEENU, Head of Applied Linguistics Department of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University.
ANNA DANYLCHUK –, PhD, Assistant prof. at the LUEENU Applied Linguistics Department.
MARTA SYDORUK – PhD, Head of International Relations Office of the LUEENU.
NEMIRA MAČIANSKIENĖ – Prof. dr., Founder and Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU).
VIOLETA KALĖDAITĖ – Prof. dr., Experience of teaching linguistic courses (English philology), sociolinguistics, Lithuanian as a foreign language at different universities of Lithuania and abroad since 1986.
We wish all course participants good luck with your EU studies!